End to end electronic product development including mechanical, pcb design, embedded, mobile software, artificial intelligence and server software

How It Works

We provide End-To-End Electronic Product Development Services. Electronic products have a complex lifecycle and requires several diverse skillsets to work closely together, to create a finished product that works well.

Skillsets include Industrial Design for product shape, aesthetics, structure and usability. Mechanical Engineering for materials, strength, chemical resistance, thermal and physical longevity. Electronics and Electrical Engineering for PCB design, rigid and flex, harnesses, wiring, power design, and thermal performance. Embedded Software Engineering to build the firmware that runs on the microcontrollers, as well as drivers for operating systems like Linux. Mobile and server software development to create a user experience, as well as deploy and centrally manage SMART electronics in today's connected world.

Artificial Machines brings all these teams under one umbrella to create a deeply integrated product development powerhouse. When you develop a product with us, we start from concept drawings and take it to a completely manufacturable product, with the highest quality, in the shortest possible time.

Why us? End-to-End
Deeply Integrated
Cross Domain Expertise
Fast Turnaround
Multi-Product Experience
Concept to Completion
Low Total Cost