What we do

We develop embedded software and firmware for a large range of processors and sensors. Every PCB has many interfaces with external peripherals to sense and control the world around it. Each interface needs to be carefully timed and controlled to have the PCB run at full efficiency.

We work in bare metal processor programming, real time operating systems as well as Linux operating systems. Our teams can write embedded code for tiny sensors, as well as Linux drivers for large and complex systems.

Over the years we have worked with thousands of components, sensors and processors from over a hundred semiconductor companies. If your device is a home appliance, a custom gadget, an industrial system or a high performance computer, we have the skills to make the hardware work flawlessly with the software.

Services: Bare Metal Programming
RTOS Programming
Linux Drivers
8, 16, 32, 64 bit processors
IOT Sensors Programming
Home Appliances
Industrial Equipment
Analog and Digital
Audio and Video
Custom LCD Screens
Battery Powered Devices